Maple Class
Welcome to the Autumn Term in Maple Class. We are a Year 3 and 4 class. Mrs Baines is the class teacher, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Waring are the teaching assistants who support learning.
Our Learning:
Our topic this half-term is called Tomb Raiders. This involves discovering when the civilisation of Ancient Egypt existed, why it was centred around the River Nile, the process of mummification, the role of Pharaohs and the process of building pyramids and why these were built.
In Science, we will be focusing on animals including humans. Within the unit we will learn what a skeleton does and the different types of skeletons, that muscles help us move, the main food groups and amount needed for a healthy diet, explain that most animals (including humans) have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement, and identify the right types and amount of nutrition human and animals needs.
In PSHE, our topic is Changes. We will recognise that feelings can change over time, and range in intensity, identify the everyday things that affect feelings, and the importance of expressing how we feel. To recognise the signs when someone may be struggling and understand how to seek support. To identify strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change.
In Art, we will be creating our own piece of artwork based on the Ancient Egyptian civilisation.
In RE, we will recall and name some Bible stories that inspire Christians (The Lost Coin, son and sheep stories, Luke 15), describe some ways Christians say God is like, with examples from the Bible, using different forms of expression and discuss their own and others’ ideas about why humans do bad things and how people try to put things right.
Useful information:
Forest Schools will be for our Year 4 children this half term, so they will need to wear old,warm clothes and bring waterproofs/wellington boots in a spare bag.
On a Thursday afternoon, the Year 3 children will be learning how to play the Ukulele.
PE is on a Thursday afternoon (for Year 3) and Monday afternoon for both Year 3 and 4 this term so please send your child in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that PE kits meet the criteria of plain t-shirt/their team colour and black/navy/grey bottoms (shorts, leggings or joggers). Please make sure your child has a named water bottle that they bring to school with them every day.
How you can help
Please ensure that your child reads four times a week. On a Friday, reading records will be collected in to check if this has been done since the previous week.
Also, please ensure that your child accesses TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) and Spelling Shed throughout the week. This is especially important for Year 4 children as they have their multiplication check in June.
A topic menu (creative homework) involving six challenges will be issued once every half term, where children can choose their own activities. Certificates will be given out depending on the number of challenges completed.
Useful Websites: