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Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class, we are Year 1 and Year 2!

Miss Carter is the teacher in this class. Mrs Currie is the teaching assistant. Mrs Roberts teaches in this class on a Wednesday. 

Our learning this half term:

This half-term our topic focus is Why do things change? this is a topic with a History focus on toys over the last 50 years. We will be learning about toys in the past and  comparing them with the toys we have today.

In Science this half-term we are learning all about animals. We will be looking at different animal groups, and categorising them by the things they eat.

Our DT focus is making a moving monster and learning how things move using linkages, pivots and levers. 

This half-term we will be learning how to navigate around our new Purple Mash software and we will begin coding and using algorithms. 

Useful information:

Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure you come to school in PE kit on these days. 

PE uniform includes the following:

  • Black/ dark grey/navy shorts, leggings or joggers
  • White or team coloured t-shirt
  • Plain black/dark grey/navy sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Sports trainers/plimsolls

Key Dates:

Tuesday 12th & Thursday 14th November - Parents Evening. 

Friday 15th November - Children in Need. 

Monday 18th November - Individual photos.

Friday 6th December - Christmas Fayre.

Tuesday 10th December - Whole School Pantomime visit.

Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th - KS1 Nativity Performances.

Thursday 19th December - Christmas Lunch and Parties. 

Some of our favourite books:

Useful Websites:

Times Tables Rock Stars

For parents | Letters and Sounds



Purple Mash by 2Simple