Willow Class
Welcome to Willow class. We are a Reception class.
Mrs Bell and Mrs Forrest are the teachers in this class. Mrs Bradley is our teaching assistant and Mrs Roberts, Miss Brown and Mrs Hardy also help out sometimes.
Autumn Term
We have been busy having lots of fun and making friends.
Useful Information
Our PE day this term is Monday and we are developing our athletics skills. Please ensure you come to school in PE kits on this day.
This half term's learning
We are settling in and making friends. We are getting to know all the children in Willow class and finding out what they like to do. We will be outside in the garden looking at seasonal changes. Our book focus will be based around the children's interests: families, nature and superheroes. We will be introducing the children to our Little Wandle phonic lessons.
Dates for your Diary - for this half term
Thursday 26th September - Phonic workshop 5pm - 6
Thursday 3rd October - Parents lunch with their children
Friday 4th October - INSET Day
Thursday 17th October - Harvest Festival at Church 2-3pm
Friday 25th October - Break up for half term
Useful websites
Letter-join whole school handwriting scheme (letterjoin.co.uk)