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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In accordance with the SEN Code of Practice (June 2014), our Vision at Morton Primary Academy is to recognise everyone is a learner and everyone is committed to supporting learning in all its forms. All contributions and roles are recognised, welcomed and valued and cultural diversity is celebrated. We know that everyone can achieve and believe it is our role to find out how, through high quality learning opportunities and high quality teaching experiences.

We recognise that some children have very specific and individual needs which could be a barrier to their learning. For these children we ensure that individualised support and educational provision is put in place for them. This may be necessary for a short period of time or for a longer period. We work with the child themselves, their parents/carers and outside professionals in order to ensure that they make expected progress for them and fulfil their potential.

If you have concerns about your child please speak in the first instance to your child's class teacher. Staff are always happy to talk through any worries you may have. We also have a parent/carer handbook for SEND as well as our SEND information report (below) which explain how SEND support is delivered in our school.

SEND lead: Miss Allen

To contact Miss Allen please:
Tel: 01773 872360


SEND Steps at Morton

Derbyshire Local Offer

