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Maple Class

Welcome to a new academic year in Maple Class. We are a Year 3 and 4 class. Mrs Baines is the class teacher, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Waring are the teaching assistants who support learning.  

Our Learning:

Our topic this half term is called Go with the Flow. This involves looking at and identifying  rivers and mountain ranges in the UK. We will be focusing on the East Midlands, locating the counties and the rivers that flow through this region. We will be looking at the features of a river and how these are structured.

In Science, we will be focusing on plants. We will be looking at how plants are structured and what their functions are. We will be discussing the process of photosynthesis and how this is important to plants. We will also be looking at seed dispersal and what this means to the reproduction of plants.

In PE, we will be practising our Tennis skills, including throwing and catching accurately .

In PSHE, our topic is Money Matters. We will be discussing how to use money effectively and what we can do with it. We will be looking at ways to save and spend our money wisely. 

In Design Technology (DT), we will be finding out why food comes from different places around the world, the benefits of seasonal food, as well as cutting and peeling ingredients, creating and evaluating our own dish.

In RE, we will learn that the bible is made up of the Old and New Testament, know that the Bible is made up of different chapters written by different people and give examples of how and suggest reasons why Christians use the Bible today.

Useful information:

Forest Schools will be for our Year 3 children this half term so they will need to wear old,warm clothes and bring waterproofs/wellington boots in a spare bag.

On a Thursday afternoon, the Year 4 children will be learning how to play the Ukulele. 

PE is on a Thursday afternoon (for Year 4) and Friday afternoon for both Year 3 and 4 this term so please send your child in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that PE kits meet the criteria of plain t-shirt/their team colour and black/navy/grey bottoms (shorts, leggings or joggers). Please make sure your child has a named water bottle that they bring to school with them every day.

How you can help

Please ensure that your child reads four times a week. On a Friday, reading records will be collected in to check if this has been done since the previous week. 

Also, please ensure that your child accesses TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) and Spelling Shed throughout the week. This is especially important for Year 4 children as they have their multiplication check in June.

A topic menu (creative homework) involving six challenges will be issued once every half term, where children can choose their own activities. Certificates will be given out depending on the number of challenges completed.


Useful Websites: